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Herd Bulls
Carcass Data

Our herd sires are backed by actual carcass data we get back from feeding our calves.  2021 was an exceptional year with sires performing at 82% Choice or better, and they averaged a 2.4 Yield Grade.

We also receive data back on progeny from our sale bulls. 


Here are some figures from 2021 .

Over 750 head raised from our herd bulls and purchased from our sale bulls.

85% Choice or better

2.7 Average Yield Grade


Current Herd Sires

Hills Murdock D96  - ASA # 3142814​

Hills Supercharged E96 - ASA # 3315500

Hills Merit Time F57 - ASA # 3414502

LRS 114G - ASA # 3562979

DBS General 1G - ASA # 3568671

DBS Goliath 358G - ASA # 3568743

DBS DBS Guardian 409G - ASA # 3568725

Hills Herkeles H59 - ASA # 3834141

Kassube Home Run H156 - ASA # 3834331


Contact directly for information on our SimAngusTM  bulls.




Cows / Heifers

Starting with live healthy calves and following them to finish has been very helpful to our cow program.  We stress on having functional cows with high efficiency and excellent maternal traits.



Female Marketing

Purebred Cattle

Our purebred females are only available private treaty.  If you are interested in purchasing registered purebreds, please give us a call or contact us through email.



We offer leases on bred commercial heifers.  This is generally a five year lease.

Contact us directly for availability.


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